The mobile app lets you enter and exit the parking garage and pay for your parking with just the mobile app. No extra cards or barcodes are needed.
Open the gate to enter the garage by pushing the green button in the app that lights up when you reach the entrance gate area. Make sure there is no car in front of you, the gate arm is fully closed, and bluetooth is enabled on your phone. You will also need a cellular signal to use the app. As a backup, if the button does not turn green after 5-10 seconds, press the Awaiting Gate Arrival button and hold the top of your phone on the white NFC sticker on the second ticket machine to scan in.
When you are ready to leave the garage and at the exit gate, open the mobile app and press the green button to exit. Make sure there is no car in front of you, the gate arm is fully closed, and bluetooth is enabled on your phone. You will also need a cellular signal to use the app. As a backup, if the button does not turn green after 5-10 seconds, press the Awaiting Gate Arrival button and hold the top of your phone on the white NFC sticker on the exit ticket machine to scan out.If the transaction processes but the gate does not go up, press the red GATE ERROR button and then hold the top of your phone on the white NFC sticker on the exit ticket machine.
The mobile app tracks how long you are in the parking lot and calculates your amount due.
Once you download the app and sign up, you can add value (minimum of $100) to your mobile parking wallet. Each time you park, your parking wallet will pay for the parking amount due. Wallet balances are not refundable and may only be used for daily parking when using the app.
Your first name, last name, email address, phone number, and password are required for registration.
Pi Alley accounts can be created in the app. Download the app via Apple Store or Google Play.
Yes. Pi Alley Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions can be found at https://pialleygarage.com/app-tc/
It is most likely because you have already signed up and forgot your password. Click on “Forgot Password” and follow the instructions to recover your password.
Click on the “Forgot Password” link and follow the instructions to reset your password.
Your Pi Alley Account is linked to the phone number you used to create your account. If you cannot remember your phone number, please email mobile-support@pialleygarage.com
Yes. If you are not logged into your account, click on the “Forgot Password” link and follow the instructions.
Pi Alley program is only currently available at Pi Alley Parking Garage located at 275 Washington St, Boston, MA 02108
When you create an account, you will need to add a minimum of $100 to your parking wallet in the app. Those funds will be used to pay for your parking at Pi Alley.
No. Pi Alley will not lease, rent, or sell your information to third parties. Please see the privacy policy in the app terms.
The confidentiality of your information is extremely important to Pi Alley. Please view our Privacy Policy for details at http://www.pialleygarage.com/pub/eula.
Only basic information including your phone number, email address, and password is required to sign up for your Pi Alley account. A credit card is used to add value to your parking wallet.
In the app under the More tab, go to Payment Settings, then Wallet Settings. Press the Close Account link. You will be taken off automatic topup and can use the remaining balance until it reaches zero. After 24 hours of having a zero balance, app functions including access to history and receipts will be disabled. The account can only be reactivated by contacting mobile-support@pialleygarage.com
At this time, mobile registration is required for joining the Pi Alley Parking program.
No. You must sign up for the program by using the Pi Alley mobile app.
Maybe. You will receive email confirmation of all parking purchases and when you add value to your wallet. Verify that your email address is correct by visiting Pi Alley mobile app. Also, it may be helpful to add mobile-support@pialleygarage.com to your address book to ensure delivery of emails. Check your spam folder to ensure that emails are not being placed there.
You will need to have your phone with the mobile app in order to park using the mobile parking wallet funds.
You will need a minimum of $50 to enter the garage
Yes. Auto top up amounts to select are $100, $150, and $250 They are available in the Payment Settings menu under Wallet Settings link. Top up occurs when the balance goes below $50
You can either set the automatic top up amount, or under History, select the wallet top up and manually enter the amount you’d like to add to your wallet.
The parking rates that mobile app users pay is shown in the Pi Alley mobile app via a link on the home page